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굿플레이스 시즌1-5화 대본 해석: 어려운 단어 모두 정리!

by MYNN maxw 2020. 5. 5.


저번에 대본을 올렸는데요, 

대본 공부하면서 어려운 단어를 정리한 게 있어서 공유하고자 올립니다.


대본: https://spanish-adventure-with-tito.tistory.com/entry/%EA%B5%BF%ED%94%8C%EB%A0%88%EC%9D%B4%EC%8A%A4-%EB%8C%80%EB%B3%B8-%EC%8B%9C%EC%A6%8C1-5%ED%99%94-%EC%9E%A5%EB%A9%B4%EB%B3%84%EB%A1%9C-%EC%A0%95%EB%A6%AC%ED%95%9C-%EC%89%90%EB%8F%84%EC%9E%89-%EC%8A%A4%ED%81%AC%EB%A6%BD%ED%8A%B8


굿플레이스 대본 시즌1-5화 장면별로 정리한 쉐도잉 스크립트

01x05 - Category 55 Emergency Doomsday Crisis 1 Good afternoon, Eleanor. What can I get you today? Whoa. Lot of new flavors. Michael felt bad about the sinkhole, so he wanted to give you all a litt..




"I didn't want just to spite some jerk who told me I was holding up the line."

Spite: 괴롭히다, 심술부리다

Jerk: 얼간이

Hold up: 지연시키다


Utilitarianism posits that the correct choice is the one that causes the most good or pleasure, and the least pain and suffering.”

Utilitarianism: 공리주의

Posit: 사실로 받아들이다(=postulate), 단정하다


"like torturing one innocent person to save a hundred, or preemptive war"

Preemptive: 예방의, 우선권이 있는, 선매의


"So, you want to roll right into another lesson? I am revved up to learn, man.

roll into: 넘어가다

rev up: 활성화되다, 힘이붙다, 활기를 띠다

(과거형: revved up)



"Ah, Tahani. I've been working on my Western Hemisphere brunch banter.

Banter: 농담을 주고 받다, 정감어린 농담


"Whip out that chalkboard, big boy

Whip out: ~을 급히 꺼내다, 불쑥 말하다, 갑자기 부르다


"Can I be of any service?” 제가 도움을 드릴만한 것이 있을까요?


“Out with it!” 다 말해버려.


"I worked in a reflective alloy, holding up a mirror to mankind and its mistreatment of these defenseless animals.

a reflective alloy: 반사되는 합금

mistreatment: 학대, 혹사



"And tentacles for some reason.

Tentacle: 10개의 촉수


"I can't stop helping you, because then I am shirking my ethical duty.

Shirk: (게을러서) 회피하다, 태만히 하다


"Leaving your homes could result in catastrophic damage, to you and to the very fabric of the universe.

Fabric: 구조, 직물


"It's been playing on a loop for two days

on a loop: 계속해서 틀어져있는


I'm very pleased to announce that there has been an addition to today's docket.”

Docket: 안건 목록, 사건일람표


"Sorry for the imposition.”

Imposition: , 부담 / (새로운 법률의) 시행, 도입


Kamilah, of course, is the youngest person ever to graduate from Oxford University, she's a world class painter, social activist, iconoclast, Olympic gold medalist for archery, a BAFTA Award winner for her documentary on her Grammy Award winning album, and the person voted "Most Likely to be Banksy. " So without further ado, take it away from me! Sorry, I mean take it away, Kamilah.”

Iconoclast: 우상파괴자, 인습타파주의자

Without further ado: 각설하고, 거두절미하고, 지체없이


"This is an extremely precarious situation

Precarious: 불안정한, 위태로운


"I am vexed.”

Vex: 성가시게 하다, 짜증나게하다

명사: vexation 성가심, 짜증, 짜증나는 것


"I'm sure the stress of the sinkhole has caused lots of soul mate squabbles.

Squabble: 언쟁, 말다툼/옥신각신하다, 티격태격 다투다



"I'm gonna take your relationship and put it under a microscope and dig and poke and prod until you are back to soul mate harmony.

Prod: 찌르다



"This is all uncharted territory.

Uncharted: 미지의, 지도에 없는


"Anyway, why did seeing the rankings unravel you so?

Unravel: 흐트러지다, 이성을 잃다


"We bequeath the rest of our estate to Tahini."

Bequeath: 유증하다, 유산을 남기다


"So every time the simple fact of my existence starts to bum you out.”

Bum (somebody) out: 남을 낙담시키다, 괴롭히다, 허둥거리게 하다


Yup, good as new. Crisis averted.”

Avert: 방지하다, 면하다, 피하다



I tried and I tried, but nothing worked. And then all of a sudden this morning, out of the blue, it just whoop!”

Out of blue: 난데없이, 갑자기

