1-1 Everything is Fine
<모르는 단어 정리>
"a long column of shopping carts that were being returned to the shopping cart collection area rolled out of control and plowed right into you."
plow into
1) ~을 쟁기로 갈다
2) (일 등에) 달려들다, 해내다, 해결하다
3) ~을 세게 때리다, ~와 부딪치다
여기서는 3번의 의미로 쓰였습니다!
"it swept you right out into the street where you were struck and killed by a mobile billboard truck advertising an erectile dysfunction pill called "Engorge-ulate."
erectile dysfunction 발기 부전
= impotence 라고도 씁니다.
"the first EMT to arrive was an ex-boyfriend of yours"
EMT 응급구조사
= emergency medical technician의 약자에요!
"Doug just launched into this long monologue where he got like 92% correct"
launched into ~을 시작하다
= begin
"every detail has been precisely designed and calibrated for its residents."
calibrate 눈금을 매기다
"every single thing you did had an effect that rippled out over time and ultimately created some amount of good or bad"
명사: 1. 잔물결, 파문 2. 잔물결 모양의 것
동사: 1. 잔물결을 이루다 2. 파문처럼 번지다
"You know how some people pull into the breakdown lane when there's traffic?"
pull into ~에 들어서다
"Only the people with the very highest scores, the true cream of the crop, get to come here, to the Good Place."
cream of the crop 알짜, 제일 좋은 것
(영영) The best or most desirable among some selection
"A lawyer who got innocent people off death row"
death row 사형수, 사형수 수감 건물
"So your job was to defraud the elderly?"
defraud ~을 사취하다, 사기치다
"I say we just lie low and hope that they don't notice me."
lie low 남의 눈에 띄지 않게 하다
"Come on, I'm just asking you to fudge a little bit."
fudge 얼버무리다. 날조하다, 조작하다, 속이다, (약속 등을) 어기다
"It's just so tiny and cute. It's like a little child's plaything, like for a family of mice or for a very fancy little dog. I love it. It's just so sweet and teensy."
teensy 작은, 조그마한
= tiny를 teensy-weensy나 teensy라고 귀엽게 말하기도 합니다.
"I wasn't an arsonist."
arsonist 방화범
arson 방화
(감탄사) 무언가에 놀랐을 때, 일어난 일에 대해서 감탄할 때 사용합니다.
"Tahani, what a condescending bench."
condescending 잘난체하는, 거들먹거리는
"That Tahani is a real butthead, huh?"
butthead 바보같은 녀석
"They were both crummy people, so they're probably in the Bad Place."
crummy 형편없는
"You hogged all the shrimp, and now there are shrimp flying around."
명사: 돼지(비육돈)
동사: ~을 독차지하다
"If I walk out of here in these clothes, I'm toast."
be toast 죽기 십상이다, 끝장난다
영어 공부 화이팅!!!!
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